Monday, April 16, 2012

i have a year long pass to Universal Studios, Orlando

I may or may not have gone on vacation to Orlando.
I may or may not have spent a night at Portofino Bay hotel because the Hard Rock was booked.  The sun is brighter in Florida.  In Indiana it is more yellow, in Florida it is more white.  I needed that.
All of our time was spent at Universal.  I hadn't been there since what I estimated to be 1992 or 93 and it was completely differrent.
  The Harry Potter part is really neat, you feel like you are actually not in America anymore ...

The frozen butter beer, I was told is way better than the non-frozen... I never tried the non-frozen so I couldn't tell you, but I can tell you the frozen is magical.  I could drink it all day long, even tho it induces asthma attacks (something I recently learned about myself and cold drinks).  I have also decided that I hate all pictures of myself when I have glasses on and that I need to lose about 30lbs.  Ew gross.

This was the view from our room at the Hard Rock.
I love palm trees, I love vacation.  I didn't get to spend very much time in the water.  I don't relly like water much in my "old age"  There was a water slide I wanted to try, but it wasn't worth the time it would take to dry off.  At night there were 2 Mallard ducks that were in the pool, it was cute but the kids wouldn't leave them alone... I felt sorry for them, they must have been exhausted, but aparently not bothered enough to fly away?
To get from hotel to hotel to Universal you could walk or ride on boats.

I also want to get a new camera, but at the same time I don't really want to carry a camera around with me while I am trying to ride rides...
Florida doesn't have much by way of culinary choices.  We ate at the Hard Rock, typical Hard Rock.  There was nothing special to catch my eye, to make me want to live there permanently.  I don't like seafood.  It is a good place to go for sunshine and I imagine relaxing if you weren't trying to pack as much into 4 days as possible.  Needless to say, I can go as much as I want until March of 2013, just have to pay for air and hotel.  I hope to go back at least once.

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