Wednesday, May 11, 2011

things that are gross

Last summer in Michigan, McDonald's was test-marketing Frozen Strawberry Lemonade... and it was sooooooo good!  I didn't realize it was a test at the time, just knew that they never ended up having it here in town.  So this year they have it here in town and I got one and it was the grossest thing I have ever had in my life.  Not sure if I just got a dud, or if they changed something inbetween the test and the actual.  I will stick to a Taco Bell Strawberry Frutista...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

spontaneous combustion

last night i was on my way to go get coffee and groceries when my cousin invited me to come over and watch that boxing-fighting stuff that people Pay-Per-View...  and to eat eggrolls and turkey?!

i wasn't going to, because that is just so.random.  but really, nothing is more spontaneous than me, so off we went...

and it was good times,  there was randomly crafted raspberry beer... multi-grain french bread... family, friends, kids who were just the right age...stories told over and over again, but every time they are hilarious...

and all this after working a 14 hour day... i didn't know i had it in me...